brilliant autumnal sunset

it was a long day at work today most of it spent shifting dirt and stapling chicken wire to the floor of the chicken coop in an attempt to keep out the rats, which is next to impossible being so close to the thames - anyways, as i was leaving and riding in towards richmond town centre i caught this brilliant sunset (beofre 4pm!) off to my left and simply had to stop and take a few shots, this being the best of the season
we've been having some really heavy frosts here lately and today there was a substaintial amount of fog as well, in this shot you can see some of it reappearing on the surface of the river in the distance - this morning the whole river valley to the west of richmond was shrouded in fog and all the vegetation was covered in a frosty coat, unfortunately i'm not too keen on lugging my SLR back and forth to work each day and my compact is just not that great at macro's so the frost shots will just have to wait :(
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