lunch by the river

for the last few weeks i've been filling a thermos with tea at work and having my lunch down by the river, which is a great escape from the working environment - i hate endless questions about where things are and the like while i am trying to enjoy my lunch
the route down to the river takes my through this tiny little walled walkway and down river lane past more enormous estates, tiny little cottages and a farm filled with grazing cattle - on the days that it hasn't been too cold i've taken up my spot on a bench under an absolutley gigantic old maple tree which is slowly giving up its leaves to the dwindling light of autumn - from here i can see the ducks, seagulls, herons and cormorants cruising about on the water and sunning themselves by stretching out their wings while resting on the exposed rocks at low tide - i think i am even beginning to reconize some of them as they seem to be in the same spots each day
a couple of times now i've taken a bit of a walk as well and the other day i came across Ham House of which i have heard talked about numerous times but had yet to see - as with most of the houses in the area it was built in the 17th century and is totally extravagant beyond most peoples needs, to add to this it is reported to be the most haunted house in britain, or so the sign said - not feeling like paying the admission charge to take a walk around i settled for a walk around the outside of the walled garden and captured the shot above of the tree lined avenue which lies to the south or back side of the estate, which to mention is enormous as well but for the most part open for free public use - while i was walking the avenue above i was passed by numerous dog walkers, children on bikes and others most likely doing the same as me out for a lunch time stroll
i envy you! it's gotten far too cold in toronto for outdoor lunches.
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